Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chic's Purchasing Games Rule #3: Get A Good Deal

How do you know if a game is good or not? Do you really want to own the game? Ask yourself the following questions and do it before you have to learn the hard way like I did.

Rule #3: Am I getting the best deal possible?

What woman doesn't like to buy stuff cheap? We love buying ANYTHING at a steal! I don't know about you, but I get shoppers rush when I buy a something at a great price. Just talking about it get's me horny for shopping! Let's move on...

My favorite place to purchase games is from They have much better prices than the mall or other discount stores, fast shipping and good customer service. I also recommend combining your order with a friends so you can pay less or nothing for shipping.

The TWS website states, "We are a family owned business and now have been around for 6 years. We are dedicated to providing a web site that can meet all your gaming needs and desires. Our goal is to establish a comprehensive list of a variety of games to sell to you at excellent prices. Not only that, but we strive to have the best customer service in the business! We now have over 1700 game titles. We focus on games that are a little out of the ordinary: things you probably won't find at your local discount or toy stores."

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